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Weight God...

So... it's been a while...

So much has been happening, but here I am to share another heartfelt message. I have struggled with my weight (in the military) for years and I got to a place where I was happy. I didn’t fail body fat tests, but I hated to be tested. I’ve longed to get to a place where having that little white tape measured around my body - skin to tape - not be a part of my career. Here I am 17 years later and still being tested for body fat with an outdated program. Nonetheless, I’m thinking to myself… Have I ever actually prayed specifically to God about where I want to be and earnestly believe it would happen so much so that I state specific goals to him?

So, if you find yourself where I am today – a. on the tail end of a military career b. on the front end of a promising civilian career and c. one year into a divorce and single motherhood – then I’ve got a prayer for you.

“God, only you have taken this lifelong journey with me to living an earnest life and journeying close beside me in recent trials. Seeing the heartache I have felt as I have battled with my weight, especially more recently in the last 12 months, can be of no surprise. As I come to you Lord, please touch my body and correct my metabolism specifically. Bring complete restoration to my whole being, bringing new balance and perfect my well being. Cover me from head to toe with LOVE as I seek to cope with my poor

self-image. Bring wisdom and truth to my mind and help me to love others who are also struggling. Help me plan my daily food intake and enjoy the process. Allow me to rejoice in that I have life abundantly. Give me energy as I increase exercising habits and become my best self. Bless my efforts with sustainable weight loss. Father, I long to be completely free of this difficulty in my life and in my career – specifically my military career. I look to you God! You are my supporter, you are my comforter and you are my help! Thank you for constant LOVE! Amen.”

I’m committing myself to this prayer daily. In the last 10+ months, my weight has skyrocketed in such a quick amount of time (most of it was in a matter of 4-5 months) that I literally couldn’t even understand how to slow the process. I have had moments of feeling hopeless to the stress I was under. But, GOD! In my weakest moments, I grasped that I had to give it to God. Today is culminating in my desire to share this word with whoever may need it: Give it to God – specifically... but also love yourself...

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