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No money... but it’s love?!

Writer's picture: Shameria AnnShameria Ann

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Just so we’re clear, money can’t buy you love.

BUT, if a man or woman can’t bring to the table what’s they're asking of you - is it acceptable? Is it sustainable?

Prime example: A man asks a woman he’s trying to date if she can cook - but he has no money for the food.

Asking if she can cook is cool - but that’s usually a question asked in hopes that she “will” cook. Now Sir, if you have no money to buy the food - she’ll have to buy it AND cook it 🤔

The whole relationship will come from a deficit because it’s 100% on her. Some women don’t see this and in turn, they walk into a one-sided relationship that is then centered around the male who is not being a man. Now, if he’s building his future, that’s fine. But, how old is he? Should he really be focused on a relationship if he can’t even take care of himself? If he can’t even buy a meal to cook - what’s going on? Has he been buried in financial debt because of hardship? Or is he constantly in a vicious cycle of “no money, no job and no car”? What is it sis that leads you to beleive it will actually change? How can you build with him if you’re spending all your cash on him? He’s building while you’re spending right?

Moral of the story: Build alone... then date. You can’t date someone and get serious if you’re not in a position to contribute to your future. Be honest. Be mature. Be respectful. If things gets serious - you’ll have a one-sided relationship and THAT is unfair and totally avoidable. To enter into something serious is totally selfish on the behalf of the unestablished person. You can’t demand things or ask for anything outside of what a person wants to give because you’re always leaving them at a deficit.

If this is news to you - you’re probably not acknowledging the selfishness you posses and/or you‘re unaware of your own narcissism and entitlement. Or you’re a “user” and you’re lying to get your way every time. It’s wrong on so many levels... “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Bring the same energy into a relationship as the other person so that you can actually grow “together“! Flip the coin over and ask yourself - if I was the person I’m dating - would I stay? What would I expect if I stayed? Would I want change to happen or would I accept it being this way forever? Would I want to buy him/her everything they want because they can’t afford it as well as buy myself everything I want?

Shameria 😉

Note: This is in no way meant to look down on stay-at-home parents. Totally a different scenario!


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